Buy LSD Tabs
What does LSD stand for ?
The word LSD has many definitions (buy lsd tabs), the one which stands out for LSD in terms of lsd drug is ; “LSD” means ‘d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (psychedelic drug)’.
How to take LSD Tabs (acid)
The dose under your tongue and leave it there for about 10 minutes, until the paper mostly dissolves. Once you take the LSD, you will have about 30-60 minutes before the effects are strong. This is another chance to make sure you get setup with anything you will want to have handy. As the effects begin to occur, you will start to notice a change in your perception of the world. You may see some slight changes in your visual perception — subtle rainbow halos around lights, trails behind moving objects, geometric patterns when your eyes are closed, and moving or swirling or crawling patterns on surfaces.
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